In today’s fast-paced digital world, efficiency and productivity are highly valued. Whether you use a laptop for work, education, or personal tasks, mastering laptop shortcut keys can significantly enhance your overall computing experience. These keyboard shortcuts are designed to save time, streamline tasks, and improve workflow efficiency. In this blog post, we will explore some essential laptop basic shortcut keys that will help you become a keyboard ninja and boost your productivity.

List of laptop shortcut keys under Ctrl and Alt keys:

1. Copy, Cut, and Paste:

Ctrl key Shortcuts Copy (Ctrl + C), Cut (Ctrl + X), and Paste (Ctrl + V) are fundamental shortcuts that you have probably used countless times. Instead of relying solely on the right-click context menu, mastering these shortcuts will make the process of duplicating and moving text, files, and folders a breeze. These shortcuts work across various applications and are an excellent starting point for your shortcut journey.

2. Undo and Redo:

shortcut keys for Redo and Undo Mistakes happen, but with the Undo (Ctrl + Z) and Redo (Ctrl + Y) shortcuts, you can quickly revert or redo actions in many programs. These shortcuts are particularly handy when you accidentally delete or modify something and want to revert to a previous state without navigating through multiple menus or using the toolbar options.

3. Save and Print:

shortcut keys for save and print Saving your work frequently is essential to avoid losing data. Instead of manually navigating through menus to save, use the Save (Ctrl + S) shortcut to quickly save your progress. Similarly, when you need to print a document or webpage, the Print (Ctrl + P) shortcut allows you to bypass the print menu and directly send your file to the printer.

4. Switch Between Applications:

Navigating between open applications can be time-consuming, especially if you have multiple windows open simultaneously. The Alt + Tab shortcut allows you to quickly switch between open applications, making multitasking easy. Hold down the Alt key and press the Tab key repeatedly to move through your open programs. For example: If you working on Excel, google chrome, and Notepad at the same time and you want to move from the Excel screen to google chrome (for this we use to do this with the help of a mouse previously), but without the use of mouse we can do it using shortcut keys mentioned above.

5. Close Windows and Tabs:

Shortcut keys for closing the active window Closing individual windows or tabs using the mouse can be cumbersome, especially when you have numerous tabs open in your web browser. Instead, use the Ctrl + W shortcut to close the active window or tab instantly. This shortcut is especially handy when you need to declutter your workspace or quickly close irrelevant tabs.

6. Zoom In and Zoom Out:

When reading or viewing content, zooming in or out can enhance readability or provide a better overall view. The Ctrl + Plus (+) and Ctrl + Minus (-) shortcuts allow you to zoom in and out respectively in most applications and web browsers. Resetting the zoom level to default is as simple as pressing Ctrl + 0.

7. Search Within a Page:

When you’re browsing lengthy web pages or documents, finding specific information can be time-consuming. The Ctrl + F shortcut opens a search bar, allowing you to search for specific words or phrases within the page. This shortcut is a valuable time-saver, especially when researching or reading lengthy articles.

8. Select All:

To quickly select all text, files, or folders in a document or folder, use the Ctrl + A shortcut. This shortcut is handy when you want to delete, copy, or move a large amount of content.

9. Bold, Italic, and Underline:

Shortcut keys for bold , Italic and underline When working with text editors or word processors, you can use the following shortcuts to format your text: Ctrl + B for bold, Ctrl + I for italic, and Ctrl + U for underline. These shortcuts provide a quick way to emphasize important information in your documents.

10. Switch Between Open Tabs:

Shortcut key to move from one tab to another tab in browser If you’re a frequent user of web browsers, you can use the Ctrl + Shift + Tab shortcut to cycle through your open tabs from left to right. For Example: If you open multiple windows in browser(Chrome), and want to move from one Tab to another Tab without using mouse or track bar. You can use above mentioned Shortcut.

11. Task Manager:

Shortcut keys for task manager When your laptop becomes unresponsive or an opened program hangs, the Ctrl + Shift + Esc shortcut opens the Task Manager directly. This utility allows you to monitor running processes, end tasks, or troubleshoot performance issues.

12. File Explorer:

To quickly launch File Explorer in Windows, press the Win + E shortcut. This can be a time-saving way to access your files and folders without navigating through menus or clicking icons.

13. Switch Between Virtual Desktops:

Shortcut key for switching virtual desktop If you use virtual desktops to organize your workspace, you can use the Ctrl + Win + Left Arrow or Ctrl + Win + Right Arrow shortcuts to switch between desktops quickly. This is particularly useful when you’re working on multiple projects or want to separate your personal and work-related tasks.

14. Find and Replace:

When editing documents or working with text editors, the Ctrl + F shortcut opens the Find function, allowing you to search for specific words or phrases within the document. To take it a step further, you can use Ctrl + H to open the Find and Replace function, which allows you to replace specific words or phrases with new ones.

15. Screenshots:

Taking screenshots is a common task for capturing information or sharing content. On Windows, the Print Screen (PrtScn) key captures the entire screen, while Alt + Print Screen captures the active window. On Mac, Command + Shift + 3 captures the entire screen, and Command + Shift + 4 allows you to select a specific portion of the screen to capture.


Mastering basic laptop shortcut keys is a small investment of time that yields significant productivity gains. By incorporating these essential laptop shortcuts into your daily routine, you can streamline your workflow, save time, and reduce the reliance on mouse clicks and menu navigation. The shortcuts mentioned in this blog post are just the tip of the iceberg, as there are numerous other keyboard shortcuts available for specific applications and tasks. So, start practicing these basic shortcuts today and unlock your true potential. Remember, practice makes perfect, and the more you use these shortcuts, the more second nature they become. Happy shortcutting!

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